AP EAPCET Counselling Dates 2025, AP EAPCET Counselling Web Options 2025, AP EAPCET Counselling Registration 2025, AP EAPCET Payment of Processing fee at apsche.ap.gov.in.
Attention to the Qualified and Eligible Candidates of AP EAPCET-2025 (Bi.P.C Stream),
If you are interested in seeking admission into the B.E/B.Tech (Bio-Technology, Food Technology, Food Engineering & Pharmaceutical Engg.)/B.Pharmacy/Pharm-D courses, please be informed that the web counselling process will be conducted from 2025. This process comprises payment of processing fee cum registration, online certificate verification and option entry. Please follow the guidelines/instructions or user manual to proceed for web counselling process.
For those candidates who have participated in the first phase of counseling, you are instructed to exercise your options afresh for the leftover seats now available and consequential vacancies that may arise in the process of allotment, additional seats available in new colleges/courses, if any, from any Help Line Centre or Internet facility (Café/Home) as per the schedule given below. You will not be required to pay the processing fee once again.
For those candidates who have not participated in the first phase, please get your certificates verified in this final phase as per the schedule given below.
AP EAPCET Counselling Dates 2025
Online Payment of Processing Fee cum Registration and online certificate verification | SOON |
Online Verification of uploaded Certificates at the notified Help Line centres | |
Online Verification of uploaded Certificates at notified Help Line centres | |
Change of Options for the candidates | |
Allotment of Seats | |
Exercising the web options by the registered and eligible Candidates |
AP EAPCET Registration and Payment of Processing fee
- All the candidates who have not paid the processing fee in first phase web counseling can pay.
from 2025 using https://cets.apsche.ap.gov.in. - Open the website using https://cets.apsche.ap.gov.in and click on EAPCET-2025
- ADMISSIONS (Bi.P.C stream.
- Then click on the Registration form link.
- Candidates can enter into Registration form by using “EAPCET Hall Ticket No” and “Date
- of Birth.
- Registration form with all the basic information is displayed, verify all the details.
- If no mistakes found, accept the declaration and candidate will be directed to
- processing fee payment gateway.
- f any mistake found in the information provided, candidate can use the provision to make changes by selecting the option “yes” from the drop down box provided before the declaration and click on submit button, which will direct the candidate to make any corrections to rectify the mistakes using suitable data with relevant document proofs to be uploaded through online. Then accept the declaration and candidate will be directed to processing fee payment gateway.
- The processing fee for web counseling is Rs.1200/- (for OC/BC) and Rs. 600/- (for SC/ST). The candidates are instructed to pay through online by credit card/ debit card/net banking etc inthe web site https://sche.ap.gov.in.
- All the candidates from 1 to Last Rank can pay the processing fee from 2025 using URL https://cets.apsche.ap.gov.in.
- Once the payment is success click on print button and take a print out.
Verification of Certificates (Online)
The candidates are informed to note that if the certificates were already verified through
web services from the respective board/agencies based on the information furnished by
the candidate while applying for EAPCET-2025 Common Entrance Test. i.e the candidates
whose certificate data is already verified online through web services, they are directed
pay the processing fee cum registration and can verify the details of candidate (personal,
academic and other details) for the correctness. If the candidates are satisfied for data
available, they need not upload any certificates. Further they are directed to proceed for
exercise options as per the schedule.
Verification Status
- Enter Hallticket Numberand Date of Birth then click on “Show” button.
- The candidate details will be displayed at the screen the candidates whose certificates got verified online will get display message “Candidate is eligible for exercising web options“ all such candidates have to proceed to option entry as per the schedule given in the notification.
- The candidates whose certificates are not verified online will be displayed a message “candidate is not eligible or certificate verification is in progress” .If the candidate is not eligible then such candidates should have uploaded documents in the process of registration.The uploaded certificates shall be verified by the concerned Help Line center authorities and decide the eligibility. If “certificate verification is in progress” then such candidates wait till uploaded certificates shall be verified by the concerned Help Line center authorities and decide the eligibility. If candidate is eligible then candidates have to proceed to option entry as per the schedule given in the notification.
Certificates Required for Web Counselling
The candidates are requested to keep the following certificates before proceeding for Online
Web Counselling, All original Certificates and two sets of Xerox copies.
- APEAPCET-2023 Rank card.
- APEAPCET-2023 Hall Ticket.
- Memorandum of Marks (Inter or its equivalent).
- Proof of Date of Birth (SSC or its Equivalent Memo).
- Transfer Certificate ( T.C)
- Study Certificate from VI to Intermediate
- EWS certificate valid for the year 2023-24 from Mee-Seva for OC candidates who want to
- claim reservation under EWS category
- Residence certificate for preceding 7 years of the Qualifying examination i.e. Inter or its equivalent in respect of Private candidates.
- In respect of Non-Local candidates in order to consider them for allotment under
- unreserved seats the following certificates needs to be submitted. a) Residence Certificate: Candidates who has resided in the State for a total period of 10 years excluding periods of study outside the State; or either of whose parents have resided in the State for a total period of 10 years excluding periods of employment outside the State. OR b) Employer Certificate – Candidates who are children of parents who are in the employment of this State or Central Government, Public Sector Corporations, Local bodies ,Universities and other similar Quasi Public Institutions within the State at the time of applying for APEAPCET – 2025 Examination.
- Integrated Community Certificate, in case of BC/ST/SC issued by the competent authority.
- Income certificate of parents from all sources issued on or after 01.01.2020 or White Rice card (candidate name and either of the parents name have to be reflected in the ration card) those who claim tuition fee reimbursement).
- Local status certificate (if applicable)i.e a candidate who migrates to any part of the state of Andhra Pradesh from the state of Telangana from 02-June-2014 to on/before 01-June- 2025 shall be regarded as the local candidate in the state of Andhra Pradesh.
Exercising the options in the final phase counseling
- a) Who has secured seat but not shown interest to join in the allotted seat.
- b) Who have not secured seats so far, but got their certificates verified.
- c) Who have not exercised the options so far, but got their certificates verified.
- d) Who have secured seats, reported and aspiring for a better option.
- e) Who have reported/Not reported but cancelled their allotment.
- f) Who have attended for certificate verification as per the above schedule.